Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Week 1 - Discussion Forum 2

Week 1 - Discussion Forum 2

Q The Graphic Novel: Fusing Text and Image to Depict Community and Culture Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read and view the sections “The Veil” and “The Bicycle” from the graphic novel Persepolis (Links to an external site.), and read the resource How to Read a Graphic Novel (Links to an external site.). In this discussion, you will consider how the conventions of the graphic novel allow writers and illustrators to provide a multidimensional depiction of a community and culture. Choose one chapter from the graphic novel Persepolis. Observe how the author-illustrator depicts Iranian community, culture, and values. Then, narrow your focus to one page, or a small group of panels, and notice how text and image work together to capture the reader’s imagination.

Q In your initial posting, • Identify the chapter and specific panels that you have chosen to analyze. o What is your chosen section of text about? o Who is depicted and what is happening? • Describe the cultural traditions, customs, and values that Satrapi is highlighting in the text. • Examine at least two conventions of the graphic novel used in the text that give meaning to the story. o How do these conventions help Satrapi to highlight cultural norms and values? o How do these conventions heighten your response as a reader? o Consider conventions such as the use of panels, placement of gutters, speech balloons, speech versus thought, sound effects, or light versus dark.

Q Your initial post is due by Day 3 and must be at least 250 words in length. Guided Response: Respond to two or more of your classmates’ posts by Day 7. Your responses should be substantive and provide comments and questions that further the conversation. Discuss with your classmates your differing responses to the culture portrayed in the graphic novel, and how the unique conventions of the graphic novel contribute to those responses. Continue to monitor the discussion forum until 5:00 p.m. (in your specific time zone) on Day 7, and respond with meaningful dialogue to anyone who replies to your initial post.

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(The pages I am talking about are page 1 to 40) Persepolis is a graphic memoir by Marjane Satrapi to describe her childhood experiences in Iran soon after the Islamic revolution of 1979. Many Iranians marched in the streets and rebelled against the Islamic Republic as a result of the supreme spiritual leader Ayatollah Khomeini's limitations on Iranian women (“History of Iran”).